Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Nearly a year ago I read about Strumpfhosen on a blog, The Brandenburg Diaries. I thought the idea of Strumpfhosen was very interesting and I simply had to ask my German penpal if she also used Strumpfhosen.

A week or so ago I received a package from my penpal with a pair of Strumpfhosen for Lucy. I can't tell you how excited I was!!! I'm sure my sweet husband, Eduardo, thought I was acting a little strange with the excitement over something so simple.

These are Strumpfhosen, thick stockings. Aren't they beyond cute!

They are worn under pants in the winter time. When the young child is at home typically they are running around in just the Strumpfhosen and when you head out the pants go on. It's all about layering.

I have always loved reading about other cultures. I love the little things that other people do that are different from me. Things that they might not know is different unless a foreigner notices those things. I'm on the look out for blogs that talks about these little things. Things from everyday life that one might think is normal and another may think find it different. If you know of any, please pass them on!


  1. I can't tell which end of Lucy is cuter ! !
    they really are adorable though. They look very thick.

  2. These are too cute! And of course they just add to her adorable-ness!

  3. Just thought I'd drop you a note to say that Lucy is adorable! :) You have a beautiful family.

  4. She looks adorable, I love the color shade as well.
