Saturday, November 27, 2010

Choosing a Christmas Tree

Lucy, Ed and Olivia searching for the perfect tree.
This year we tried something new.  In the past we've used artificial trees which are great except they don't have that wonderful pine scent and they are horrible to store.  For the past three years we've gone to local Christmas tree lots to choose a tree but knowing that these trees are cut in September and then shipped the smell doesn't last and they quickly dry up.  So this year we went to a Christmas tree farm and cut down our own tree!

As we drove 2 hours the sky turned gloomy and it was very nippy at the farm.  I felt for poor Lucy who even though had on her coat, hat and scarf was still cold.  Olivia was a trooper and didn't complain at all.  She was busy searching for pine cones and fallen branches.

We spent a good 20 minutes looking for the perfect tree for our home.  The nice thing about a Christmas tree farm verses a lot is that the taller the tree the lower the price.  We were trying to find a nice ten-foot tree but came away with a nine foot tree.

Once it was strapped onto the top of Ed's car, the fun really began.  I always get nervous with having things roped to the top.  There have been instances where we've had to pull over to readjust because we would have lost it on the side of the road.  For a good half hour I kept looking in the side-view mirrors to make sure it wasn't slipping.  Thankfully it stayed put and we made it home in one piece.  Unlike our uneventful trip to the farm, a good portion of the ride home was spent listening to Lucy whine.  She was tired and cold.  The 15 minute nap in the car certainly wasn't enough for her little body.

Ed cutting down our tree!
In a few days after we clear up the Thanksgiving decorations, we'll set up and decorate our tree!

Poor Lucy was so cold at this point.  I kept wrapping her hand in my scarf, but her was too busy trying to touch the trees.

Dragging the tree to the car.

Lucy in the car trying to get warmed up.

Once home a little Chocolate Cream Pie leftover from Thanksgiving was the perfect treat to cheer her up!

1 comment:

  1. We buy our tree not before the last week before Christmas. Most of the families have the tradition to decorate it on the morning of Christmas Eve - we, too.
    We also go to a local tree farm and cut the tree ourselves. This is a lot of fun.
    Lucy looks like our Philipp did last year while we were looking for the perfect tree. He was also very cold and his cheeks were sooo red, when we got home...
