Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pile of Nerves

Ed takes the FSOT in 5 days!  I seems like just a few weeks have pasted since we made the decision to pursue the Foreign Service.  My stomach has been in knots thinking about what Friday may bring my family.  I keep thinking to myself,  Did he study enough?  Will he pass?  How soon after will we have the results?  The last question I have a vague answer to.  If he doesn't pass the first part of the test he'll know that day.  That's how we found out when he took the test nearly three years ago.  If he passes and has his essays read then we'll know in roughly a month.

A month.  A month of thinking and wondering if he did everything he needed to.  No matter what I must continue to have faith that if it is meant to be then it will be.  We're certainly not jumping into this decision.  This has been a LONG thought out process.  But naturally I have days where I think I'd rather stay here, especially after all the evacs going on in Egypt and Tunisia.  I think about all the wonderful benefits and opportunities that my children will have and it keeps me going.     

1 comment:

  1. Good to know, thanks for sharing Sara. It was some time that he took it last time. It's better that I know it will be a wait then to think all is well after the test.
