Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Is it time? Oh yeah!

For months I have been talking to Livy about using the potty. When she was able to sit up, I purchased a small potty and I would have her sit on it. I wouldn't expect anything, except to get her acquainted with it. I would bring it to her attention each time she was making a BM and show her the signs for it. Also telling her that mommy or daddy makes their pee-pee and poo-poos on the potty (to associate that that is where big people do it).

Yesterday, I had an extremely proud moment as a mother. After I put the daycare children down for naps, Livy came running to me frantically. She quickly signed stinky and headed off to the bathroom. Once in there, I got her on the potty where she did a BM. I was so excited that she has made that connection and even more importantly that she was able to tell me before she went.

So it is official, I am starting to potty train my 15 month old! I know that many people would feel that this is simply too young. But like many things in the child development world, there is a window of opportunity when children are ready to learn something new. Why wait until she is 2 1/2 and in the habit of going in her pants? One of my biggest pet peeves as a daycare professional is when potential daycare parents tell me that there child (who is 3!) is not interested in the potty yet and they will wait to start training. Or with their 2 1/2 yr old they are not going to introduce the potty for another year! Why wait! My only guess is that either they have never potty trained a child (I do have an advantage of potty training countless children over the years and working on three boys now) or maybe they like to change diapers. Not me! The sooner we are out of diapers (at least during the day) the better!

So today we are off to a great start. Livy woke up, I sat her on the potty (where she went) and in an hour I will put her on the potty again. My goal is to have her mostly potty trained by September when she turns 18 months.

Getting the lid open
Putting the little potty on.
Getting the step stool out
Trying to pull down her shorts.

Livy has been watching the daycare kids go potty. Early Tuesday morning I caught her in the bathroom going through all of the steps that she sees the daycare kids do.


  1. I don't think it's too early. I have a cousin who claims to have her kids potty trained by the time they are a year old. Great for Livy (and you) and she is ready!

  2. Defiantly not too early...when they show signs of interest or are able to connect the dots it is time. Livy is above-average in intelligence anyway so keep up the good work.

  3. Thats great! Hooray for Livy, and for you it deffinetly makes it easier on you.

  4. You go girl! And since you've done this before, you are at a huge advantage! My daughter trained at 20 months (my son was more like 34 months..). No pullups. Accidents for week or so.

    And we have Dora seat too. Love it! Still use it!!

  5. You are AMAZING! I think if you can start it early, why not. I really want to start my little guy soon and I'm looking for ideas. This is awesome (granted, he's a boy, and I've heard they are a little harder than girls...anyone know?) He's 18 months right now and tells us when he's done a #2...he honestly doesn't care if his pants are wet though. He is obsessed with the toilet though.

  6. I think it's great! We've been working on this with Love Bug for awhile now. She won't start training until we get back from the US around her 2nd birthday, since I'm going back to have the baby. I wish I could start earlier- good for you!!!

  7. Awww...how cute and smart! :) Yay for Livy!!
