I've had a bad attitude lately. Not only have I been blaming it on pregnancy, but to make it worse I've done nothing about it.
I certainly don't like having a bad attitude which you could also call no motivation, depression, or even a lack of faith. I love feeling positive and good about life! I miss feeling that way so I'm going to do something about it.
I've known for a while that I need to make some adjustments but I am finally ready. I am going to take baby steps to reclaim things that I love about life. The first thing is waking up before 9:30 am. (Gasp! I know. You're thinking, she doesn't get up until 9:30! Yep, I know. Sounds like a luxury when Ed gets up with the girls, but over time it actually begins to eat on you.) So tomorrow I will I will get up early and I will not complain about it! This is the first baby step in many to get me back to my organized, routine loving, outgoing, entertaining woman.
Even though things have been a little rough around here with the move (two months ago), pregnancy (11 weeks along) and Ed starting graduate school (only 1 year to go!), I have to stop feeling crumby. I will have a better outlook on life. I will have faith that everything will work out. And most important I will reclaim ME!
I know what you mean. School and daycare started again this week and to me it feels good to finally get up at 5 a.m. and get my day started slowly. During our vacations we all slept in until 9 or 9.30. Then I always had the feeling that half of the day was already over and I had nothing to show for it...