Monday, September 29, 2008

Near death experience

My sweet husband has had an interesting habit since we were married. He is constantly talking in his sleep, most of the time in Spanish; caring on phone conversations with "clients", singing or other very interesting things.

A few weeks ago after I took Livy in for her 18 month Well-Baby check and receiving two immunizations, she was having a hard time sleeping. She was running a slight fever from the shots and simply didn't sleep well. This is not like her. She has always been a great sleeper, currently sleeping for 12 hours straight at night and taking a 90 minute nap in the afternoon. I've been spoiled.

Before I tell the "near death experience" let me make a note that Eduardo has always gotten up in the night with me when Livy was feeding, sick, etc. He would come in and see if either of us need anything before he heads back to bed.

On one particular night, Livy woke at midnight running a fever. I got up out of bed to comfort my upset little girl. I heard Eduardo get up and I figured that he would come in to check on Livy. I waited in her room for him so I could send him on an errand to the kitchen to get some fever-reducer. I waited and waited and while I waited I could heard Eduardo in the kitchen. My first thought was that he was hungry and simply getting something to eat. Then I heard him washing the counters followed with sweeping the floor. I'm getting a little upset at this point that he is making so much noise and obviously a mess for me to clean up in the morning.

Then quiet. He heads back to the bedroom and I decide to get the fever-reducer myself. I head into the kitchen to find one of my houseplants sitting in the kitchen sink. No pot, just the plant with its exposed roots. I follow the trail of potting soil through the playroom to our bedroom door. With Livy in hand, I opened the bedroom door to see Eduardo standing in our room holding the pot that once housed my plant. The look of shock on his face! He had no recollection of ever tearing the plant from its pot or the mess he created in the kitchen.

I could do only one thing at this point. I laughed and laughed and laughed until my sides ached. Eduardo spend the next hour vacuuming the dirt out of the carpets (we had a house showing the next morning so it needed to get done), repotting the plant that nearly died and trying to get a wound up toddler off to bed.
I could use a little less excitement in the middle of the night.

The plant that is no longer in my bedroom.


  1. Hi, I'm Melanie. I found your blog and just had to comment. I am glad to read that I am not the only one that has a sleep talking/walking husband who speaks in Spanish.

    I hope your daughter is doing better.

  2. That's interesting and funny...never known anyone who does this...

  3. Midnight fevers and sleep walking....that sounds like quite the exciting night. :-P

  4. oh my gosh, rolling with laughter! that is so funny!
