Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Life Focuses

For several years now I have felt that if I have 3 minutes left in my day then it is plenty of time to do one more project or be involved in one more activity.  I love feeling productive and at the end of the day have a sense of accomplishment.  After a VERY difficult pregnancy and severe postpartum depression I knew that I needed to simplify.  My husband would tell me that there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything.  In the back of my mind I would think that soon enough I would be back to my old self and dabble in a little of everything.  Isn't that what it means to be a well-rounded person?

As things continued to fall apart in my life I knew that something had to change.  It quickly came to point of me doing nothing simply because I couldn't handle doing anything.  A year has passed from this point and things have changed for the good in my life.  I have finally been able to over come the postpartum (Lucy is now 2 1/2) and feel that I can do things again.

I don't want to do a little of everything again.  I realize now how thin I was stretched and how little time I gave the truly important things.  I decided to evaluate myself and decide what things truly bring me happiness and pleasure and make those my focus.  I want to be really good at a few things than experience a little of everything and never 'master' anything.

So My Life Focus:

1- Teach My Children
2- Gardening
3- Family History
4- Healthy Lifestyle (not something I really enjoy but something that I need to learn to do)
5- Organized and Maintained House.

I have set an ultimate goal for each one and then smaller goals on how I think I may accomplish this.  This is not something that I will achieve in one year but hopefully over a life time.  Naturally my love for somethings may change but hopefully I've been able to have a level of success that can be shared with others.


  1. I swear we are on the same wavelength! I feel exactly the same about dabbling in lots of things, just about drowning under it all and now i'm trying to step back and reprioritize. i was going to try for a state DAR office, but am realizing that with possible homeschooling next year, i just can't have that much on my plate.
    good luck with your goals! :)

  2. Glad to hear you kicked Post-Partum Depression in the tushy!
