Thursday, June 10, 2010

Busy on Thursdays

I've have a new calling at church for the last three weeks. After a tearful goodbye to my last calling (Ward Music Director--which I REALLY loved) I received a new calling. Yep, I'm doing Cub Scouts and I actually really enjoy it. :)


  1. How cool! I have always thought it was really neat the way the LDS Church assigned callings to its members. I am glad you are enjoying your new calling!

  2. Cub Scouts gets addicting - it's so fun to work with the boys! I am the Cub Comm Chair in my ward and my husband is the CubMaster. It's like planning a birthday party every month for 25 boys around here! :) Good luck with the new calling and don't you feel CUTE in that shirt? Ha!
