Sunday, August 30, 2009

A cut for the baby's room

My sweetheart has been out of town for work for the past three weeks. I had intentions of completing several projects, crafts, and to-do items. My intentions were good but I did very little. I did manage to work on a large project for the baby's room.

The stencil is cut and the painting has begun. Check back soon for the completed project!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Searching for the perfect dress

My thoughts over the past few weeks have turned to Halloween. I know it's only the beginning of August, but I like to plan a head. Plus considering the fact that my baby is due around Halloween, I better be prepared.

I have taken out my trusty Holiday Idea book, filled with things that I would love to create or at least think about creating. I have dog-eared several pages in the hopes of accomplishing a special day for Livy. I have totally slacked lately in more ways than one. Last month when it is was Independence Weekend and I thought to myself, I planned nothing. I should have at least picked up some hot dogs to barbecue. This is not like me! I mean, I'm the one who would have everything planned months in advance. So with not forgetting another holiday, I am starting early.

I've thought a lot about a costume for Livy. This is normally when I start to purchase because I can get a better selection. This year I want to do something a little different.

A month or so ago, Livy came across a Princess dress.

She LOVES this dress! She is wearing it non-stop to the point that I believe it will become a permanent part of her body. (Fortunate for me I was able to wash it.) First thing in the morning I hear, "Princess! Princess Dress!" Quickly followed with "Cinderella Slippers" (the cute see-through plastic ones in the picture above). The remainder of the day I hear her clomping through the house asking to watch one of several princess shows.

For a 2 year old girlie-girl, playing dress-up and wanting to wear a princess dress is nothing. Unless it happens to be her very first Halloween costume worn when she was 7 months old!

How is that possible? I purchased a 6-9 month size and discovered it was a little big. But truly not over-whelming big. It went down to the floor at the time where now it is a whole lot shorter and a little snug in the bodice.

But that certainly doesn't discourage Livy from putting on her Princess Dress. With that in mind, I'm searching for some well-made princess dress-ups that she can wear after Halloween. Why wear a costume only once? I'm placing an order today and hopefully the ones I have chosen will be a great quality and work perfectly for this year's festivities.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day at the Farm

One of our local "pretend" farms (I say that since they are more for the kids to enjoy then an actual working farm) is having a discount on Tuesdays this month. I thought that it would be fun to take Livy to see the animals.

You see, when I became a full stay-at-home-mom, I was determined that once a month I would take Livy out to a museum, the zoo or some other child friendly place. My intentions were good, but when I became severely ill and then became pregnant I forgot all about it. In making up for my slacking, the farm would be great.

A friend and I loaded up our kids and headed to the farm. But after sitting on the off-ramp for nearly 10 minutes (a ramp primarily used for this location) I figured it was going to be crowded, no parking, and too many out of control kids. We made a quick decision and headed back to the freeway to head to a different farm. With plenty of parking and very few people, I knew that this was a good idea.

Until I thought I was going to pass out from the heat. I don't do well in the heat when I'm normal and I'm even worse when I'm pregnant. I have made a mental note that the farm should be saved for Spring or Fall.

Livy on the other hand, had a fantastic time. In fact, every morning since she comes in and asks to go to the farm.