Friday, March 7, 2008

Would you like some cheese to go with the Whine?

Livy has been beyond cranky and whiny this entire week. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong and nothing seems to work. My first thought was that perhaps she is not feeling well. She has been fighting one cold after another since we came back from Mexico. We have been home for over a month. I gave her some infant pain reliever in hopes that it would help, but it was no good.

I also thought that maybe she was tiring herself out. She is walking (more like running) and getting into everything. Most days, nap time does not come quick enough!

My final thought yesterday was that she had entered into a new stage and this is what I have to deal with. Let me say that this thought killed me. Livy has always been such a content baby. Even when she was a newborn she hardly cried. She had a way of communicating with me to let me know what she needed without all of the drama. I couldn't imagine loosing my baby to the nightmare that I have been experiencing this week.

Today has been a different story. Livy has been happy and content. I couldn't figure out why the sudden change. Did she figure that I wasn't going to give into the constant whining? Or was there a different problem that I overlooked?

Livy loves to hang upside down and as we were playing I got a good look in her mouth. And it looks like I overlooked the fact that she could be teething. She has cut a molar with another one to cut very soon. This is tooth number 9! Will she ever slow down?

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