No wonder Livy gets tons of smiles from Lucy! I hope their friendship continues over the decades.
We are a simple family trying to create a better life for ourselves. This blog documents our adventures, trials, faith promoting experiences, and the joys of everyday life. This is mainly for our friends and family all over the world who want to participate in our lives.
Monday, November 30, 2009
No wonder Livy gets tons of smiles from Lucy! I hope their friendship continues over the decades.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Will work for Sleep!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dancing in the Rain
I look forward to what she will surprise me with next.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Doing What I'm Good at!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Lucy's Story
That afternoon I decided that I should probably take a shower and get cleaned up for the day. At roughly 4:30p when I got out of the shower, I realized that my water broke. I felt a little frantic at first. This was a whole new experience for me. With Olivia, they broke my water at the hospital. I knew that I needed to finish packing my bag and get Livy ready to go to her grandparents.
I was honestly in no rush to get to the hospital. Even though my water broke, I was having no contractions. So while I finished packing, Eduardo took Livy out to deliver Halloween goodies to her friends. Before dropping Livy off, Eduardo also made dinner and bathed Olivia.
After dropping Livy off we headed to the hospital. We got there at about 7:40p and got checked in and headed to our Labor & Delivery Room. It took a half hour for our nurse to come in. It was a good thing that I wasn't in true labor yet.
After setting up the monitors, we found that I was having contractions, but they were too small to feel and wasn’t helping me progress. It was then decided by the on call doctor, to start me on a Pitocin drip to help get my labor going. This is something that I really did not want to experience. I wanted to go fully into labor like I did with Livy. I did not want to be started. (Of course at this point, I was grateful that I wasn't going to be induced on a later date and that this was the day my baby was meant to come!)
They started the drip at
It’s odd how calm and relaxed epidurals make me. They make me so relaxed that I want to sleep and rest. Naturally it wasn't a full rest since I was still able to feel the pressure of the contractions but couldn't feel the pain.
Finally at
But it's not time to push. We had to wait for the on-call doctor to arrive and to get set up. I was okay with this because I was still in a complete drug like state from the epidural.
Finally at 2am it was time. We waited for one contraction and in that one contraction I pushed. That's all it took! The nurse commented that I probably could have had her an hour earlier if I hadn’t rested so much. The total labor from start to finish was 3 hours.
I did tear a tiny bit but once the doctor looked at it she decided it was too small for stitches. She told me, like what Olivia's doctor had said 2 years ago, that my body was meant to have babies!
Lucia weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and measured 20.5 inches long!
We both have recovered well and slowly adjusting to our new lives. I look forward to when Lucy knows that night is for sleep and day for play, but that will come soon enough.